You're not the bully and you're not the one being bullied... Great!! So why is it that you have such an important role in bullying? Because your reaction can either encourage or discourage the bully and therefore increase or decrease the amount of bullying that happens around you. Your response is hardly ever unbiased... whether you like it or not, you're either contributing to the problem or helping the solution.
Bullying make school environment unsafe for EVERYONE. It effects bystanders negatively and directly as well by making you feel anxious about speaking up, afraid of being victimized, fearful of associating with the bullied or the bully, guilty for not helping and may even cause you a few health problems. The good news is that you can learn to not only stay safe but also make a huge difference!
Studies show more than 50% of bullying stops right away (within 10 seconds) if a bystander steps in to help! Adults will always support you as well once you gain the courage to step forward.
You are hurting the situation if you encourage the bully to start picking on his victim, if you invite others to join in to cheer the bully, or just by standing in silence and watching the whole thing happen in front of your eyes. You may not realize it but being a silent audience might be exactly what the bully is craving for and will encourage his/her hurtful behavior.
If possible always rally up your friends to stand up together against bullying or ask for help from adults. Stay safe. You can help the situation if you step in and take away the bullied, discourage the bully, or redirect the situation to some other activity or subject.
Don't fight the bully. Stay calm, be kind to everyone and stay safe. You may make a joke or do something funny to redirect their attention to something else. Always use your voice but never fight back. The main objective is to stay safe and keep everyone else safe as well if possible. If the situation seems volatile, walk a way and immediately inform an adult.
These videos are picked just for you to demonstrate a few important points you should know as you build a safe inclusive environment for yourself and everyone else around you. Thank you for your courage and keep shining! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
When you witness bullying, even if you don't know that person very well, you can stop the bully by speaking up... more than 1/2 of bullying stops when someone stands up for the one getting bullied! Make sure you stay safe, approach the situation with as many of your friends as possible, and take away the one getting bullied.
Stand up for homophobic and transphobic bullying. These people already have a hard time going through everyday life. Be a friend.
There's so much you can do to help your school and reduce bullying. Learn from Mrs. Kelly and Luka a few things you can do to take a proactive step in reducing bullying at your school and community.
Do bad words really make you feel bad? It can actually make you feel sick! Whether you're saying it or hearing it, the effect on our body is definitely not pleasant. Watch this important video from Dr. Emoto and see how science can prove this point.
Try to see what's good in people and give them a compliment! When you make someone smile and bring joy into their lives, it makes you both feel really good and helps you connect with them. Your compliment may be the highlight of their day, so please don't hold back. This video was done by Shea and has over 20 million views!!
As a bystander, watch out for those who have no friends and are always walking around school alone. They are the ones getting bullied. There are a lot of kids who are socially challenged and may not know how to find a friend. Be their friend or help them find a friend. Protect them.
You want to have diverse friends and invite those who are different into your group... some of those loners who are getting picked on all the time can become famous... very famous!! Don't lose the opportunity to miss on having a fabulous friendship with a special person.
Bullies hurt others because they are hurting themselves. There's a saying... "hurt people hurt other people!" This is very important to remember so you can be compassionate towards the bullies as well... they can use a good friend just as much as the ones who get bullied.
The smartest kindest kids we know so far! These 5 fifth graders noticed a lonely boy with learning disability getting bullied and decided to be a friend. Their friendship has changed the life of this boy and thanks to them, now he enjoys going to school. Watch out for children with disabilities as they get bullied so often. Invite them in your group and be a friend.
Check out this great video
Check out this great video from Random Acts of Kindness and see for yourself why we choose Kindness. There are scientifically proven benefits to being kind! It is contagious, teachable, and makes you feel all fuzzy inside.
Meet Lloyd Bachrach ... A champion gymnast and a successful businessman. No matter how hard of a challenge he could be having, he never gave up. Learn from his strength and dedication to be all that he can be. Include a friend with special needs into your group and be a friend to these special people.
It is so hard to watch someone getting picked on... isn't it? The right thing to do is to be a friend and stand up for them. Know that those who are different are the targets of bullying. Keep your eyes out for them. Make sure they are never alone and get help if you need to. They can really use a friend like you.
What would you do if this happens in front of you? By just standing there and watching, you are providing the bully with the audience and attention he's looking for. Rally up your friends, step in and redirect the situation to something else... You can always get help from a trusted adult too.
Never underestimate those who live with a disability. A lot of them are super human!!
If you see a peer getting bullied and you hear them say "Stop", it's time for you to take them away from the bully. Once they are not alone, usually the bully walks away. Protect them by inviting them into your circle of friends and let them hang out with you all. That will provide the bully with less chances to bully them.